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Minggu, 04 Desember 2011

Banjir Rob di Jakarta Masuk Tingkat Ekstrim

JAKARTA- Kawasan utara Ibu Kota Jakarta, hingga saat ini masih terus dihantui dengan datangnya banjir rob (air pasang). Tanggul penahan air pasang yang dipasang oleh Pemprov DKI, yang semula diharapkan dapat mencegah luapan air, saat ini harus dilakukan penguatan dan peninggian.

Pasalnya air pasang yang mencapai 250 sentimeter pada Jumat (25/11/2011) lalu bisa lebih parah saat diterjang angin kencang, sehingga bisa mengakibatkan bajir diwilayah sekitar.

"Tidak ada tanggul yang roboh. Level tertinggi kenaikan air itu 250 sentimeter, standarnya 3 meter. Tapi karena ada angin yang cukup kencang jadi limbas airnya," ujar Gubernur DKI Jakarta Fauzi Bowo, usai apel kesiapsiagaan banjir di lapangan Monas, Jakarta, Rabu (30/11/2011).

Namun demikian, Fauzi mengaku bahwa kasus tersebut sudah memasuki tahapan ekstrim. Oleh karena, Foke mengatakan harus dilakukan penambahan ukuran dan kekuatan tanggul. Hal ini dalam 5 tahun ke depan harus ada penyelesaian secara makro, salah satunya dengan membangun Tanggul Laut Raksasa atau Giant Sea Wall.

"Kasus ini dalam format yang ekstrim di pantai utara Jakarta. Diikuti dengan angin kencang. Ada land subsidence (penurunan muka air tanah)," tandasnya.

Fauzi menambahkan, saat ini masih banyak perumahan di kawasan itu yang belum dibangun, sehingga proses pembangunan tanggul juga belum bisa dilaksanakan.

"Banyak perumahan yang belum dibangun, jadi tanggulnya juga belum dibangun. Ini sisi selatan. Yang di sisi utara, karena ada sistem polder, jadi kering. Saya rapat dengan para ahli penanggulangan banjir, untuk sementara waktu tiga meter bisa memadai. Namun sejak kejadian 250 cm ini harus menambah ukuran dan kekuatan tanggul," jelasnya. 


Daftar Lengkap Titik Rawan Banjir Rob Jakarta Utara. Jakut atau Jakarta Utara merupakan salah satu wilayah rawan Banjir dan Rob. Setidaknya data yang dicatat Pemerintah Kota Jakarta Utara (Jakut), ada 27 titik rawan banjir dan rob di wilayah ini. Mudah-mudahan tidak seperti Banjir bandang Papua di Wasior yang seperti sunami. Ternyata prediksi DKI Jakarta tenggelam tahun 2030 mendekati kenyataan.

Penyebab banjir di Jakarta Utara Jakut antara lain karena tingginya curah hujan, banjir kiriman, penyempitan badan sungai (drainase), banyanknya hunian di bantaran kali, dan belum idelanya sistem polder.

Sementara itu, rob kawasan Jakarta Utara disebabkan oleh air laut pasang, belum optimalnya tanggul penahan air pasang dan perilaku masyarakat yang melubangi tanggul.

Ahad (3/10) lalu, terjadi rob di Kamalmuara, Penjaringan Jakarta Utara. Rob ini sempat menimbulkan isu akan terjadinya tsunami. Namun Walikota Jakarta Utara, Bambang Sugiyono, mengatakan isu tsunami merupakan perbuatan orang yang tidak bertanggung jawab.

Rob di Kamalmuara ini salah satu penyebabnya karena tanggul yang dibangun bukan tanggul permanen. Bambang berjanji akan membangun tanggul permanen. Namun terlebih dahulu akan disampaikan aspirasi warga ke Pemerintah Pusat.

Bambang menambahkan, pihaknya sudah menyiapkan beberapa upaya pengendalian bencana dan banjir. "Upayanya antara lain peringatan diri terhadap warga, persiapan sarana dan prasarana, kesiapan 3193 personil, menyediakan sekitar 52 pompa di 18 titik di wilayah Jakut," kata Bambang, Jumat (8/10).

Selain itu, Bambang juga menghimbau agar warga menjaga lingkungan dengan cara tidak membuang sampah sembarangan dan melakukan penanaman pohon.

Kepala Suku Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Bidang Pengairan, Irfan Amka, mengatakan ada 1800 meter kubik sampah yang terdapat di kali di Jakut. Dalam setahunnya ada 657 ribu meter kubik sampah yang ada di kali di Jakut. "Setidaknya ada 1209 meter kubik sampah di kali yang terangkut, hanya 57 hingga 60 persen yang terangkut," kata Irfan saat konferensi pers tentang penanggulangan banjir di Jakut.

Daftar Lengkap 27 Titik Rawan Banjir dan Rob di Jakarta Utara (Jakut)

1.Kelurahan Penjaringan (Kamalmuara)

2.Kelurahan Pluit (Muara Angke, Jalan Pluit Karang Tengah dan Jalan Pantai Mutiara)

3.Kelurahan Kamal Muara (Pelelangan Ikan, Jalan Kamal Muara Ujung)

4.Kelurahan Kapuk Muara (Jalan Kapuk Muara)

5.Kelurahan Tanjung Priok (Jalan ME Martadinata)

6.Kelurahan Kalibaru (Jalan Kalibaru Barat Barat, RW 01, 04, 013, Jalan Kalibaru Timur)

7.Kelurahan Ancol (Jalan Lodan)

8.Kelurahan Pademangan (Jalan RE Martadinata)

9.Kelurahan Marunda (RW 01, 02, 07 marunda Pulo)

10. Kelurahan Koja (Jalan Cipeucang, Cikeujang, Lorong 104, Jalan Sindang)

11. Kelurahan Lagoa (Jalan Raya Cilincing)

12.Sunter Karya Selatan

13.Sekitar Kelurahan Papanggo

14.Sunter Agung


16.Sekitar Kelurahan Kebon Bawang

17.Sungai Bambu

18. Sekitar Jampea


20.Kramat Jaya

21.Dewa Kembar, Airud

22.Sekitar Kelurahan Semper Timur

23.Sekitar Kelurahan Rorotan

24.Kelapa Gading

25.KBN Cakung

26.Sekitar Sunter Jaya

27.Sekitar Yos Sudarso

source :

Jumat, 11 November 2011

Protect your home from basement flooding

It's important to protect your home from basement flooding because no matter where you live in Winnipeg, your home is at risk of basement flooding. Why?
  • Heavy rainstorms that fall over short periods of time can overwhelm city sewer systems.
  • Overloaded sewers can back up through house sewer lines and flow into basements that aren't protected.
  • Even if you or your neighbourhood have never experienced problems with basement flooding, your home can still be at risk.
  • In heavy storms, the total amount of rainfall, and how fast it falls, can vary greatly from neighbourhood to neighbourhood across the city.
    • As an example, the rainstorm of July 16-17, 2005, dumped up to 104 millimetres (4 inches) of rain within 2.5 hours in Fort Richmond, while East Kildonan received half that amount.

What can be done to protect your home?

Since 1977, we've spent more than $290 million improving the city's sewer system. Along with our improvements, the following protective steps that you can take greatly reduce the risk of sewer backup and basement flooding:
  1. Install a backwater valve and sump pit drainage system
  2. Check and maintain your backwater valve and sump pit drainage system regularly
  3. Improve drainage around your house
1) Install a backwater valve and sump pit drainage system
You should install this equipment if your home doesn’t have these features. For recently built homes, it's the law:
  • new homes built since 1979 are required to have backwater valves
  • new homes built since 1990 are required to have sump pits with pumps
    This applies both to houses built in new subdivisions and to new houses in older neighbourhoods

Select image to view larger version of typical household backwater valve installations.
Backwater valve
A backwater valve is a device that prevents sewage in an overloaded main sewer line from backing up into your basement.
  • The valve automatically closes if sewage backs up from the main sewer.
  • A properly installed backwater valve must be placed so that sewage backup is stopped and does not come out through other outlets in your basement, such as sinks, toilets, showers and laundry tubs.
  • With a backwater valve alone, weeping tiles connected to the sewer line can't drain when the backwater valve closes, causing water to overflow into your basement from the floor drain.

Sump pit
A sump pit drainage system includes a sump pit, a sump pump and a pump discharge pipe.
  • The sump pit, set into the basement floor, collects water from the weeping tiles around your basement.
  • The pump pushes the water outside your house through the discharge pipe.
  • Place your sump pump discharge pipe so that it drains somewhere onto your property where water can be absorbed, such as your lawn or flowerbed.
  • Do not allow water from your sump pump to drain directly onto neighbouring properties, lanes, sidewalks, boulevards, streets or into your home's floor drain because this is illegal.

Proper sump pump installation for homes built before 1990

You will need a permit and inspection to install a backwater valve and sump pit. Since part of the basement floor will be dug up and because proper placement of these items is important, we recommend that you use a licensed plumbing contractor.
Check your Yellow Pages for reputable contractors, and ask friends and neighbours for referrals. We recommend that you:
  • Get at least three estimates
  • Ask for and check contractor references
  • Call the Better Business Bureau for a reliability report on contractors
  • Make sure your contractor obtains the necessary information and permits by calling the City's Planning, Property and Development Department at 986-5300
2) Check and maintain your backwater valve and sump pit drainage system regularly
Here are some things to do to make sure that your drainage system continues to operate properly. Check the operating instructions for more detailed information and safety guidelines, or ask your plumber to explain the details of your system to you.
Backwater valve
  • Make sure that you can get to the valve at all times.
  • Check the valve regularly and remove any material that may prevent the valve from operating properly.
Sump pit
  • Clean the pit each year after freeze-up. Weeping tile drainage may carry small amounts of soil, sand and debris into the pit from around your basement.
  • Some water may remain in the pit and cause a musty smell if it sits for a long time. If so, you can flush the pit by adding fresh water until the pump removes the stale water.
Sump pump
  • Check and test your pump each spring before the rainy season begins, and before you leave your house for a long time. Pour water into the pit to trigger the pump to operate.
  • Remove and thoroughly clean the pump at least once a year. Disconnect the pump from the power source before you handle or clean it.
  • Check the pit every so often to ensure it is free of debris. Most pumps have a screen that covers the water intake. You must keep this screen clean.
  • Check and clean your catch basin / floor drain trap.
Sump pump discharge pipe
  • Check the place where the discharge pipe leaves the house. If the pipe is discharging right against the basement wall, the water will drain down into the weeping tiles and continue to recycle through the system.
  • Check the discharge point regularly to make sure that nothing is blocking the flow.
  • Contact 311 for help if your pump runs frequently in the winter, and ice is causing hazardous conditions.
3) Improve drainage around your house
  • Build up the ground around your house so that water flows away from your basement walls. Also examine sidewalks, patios, decks, and driveways. These can settle over time and cause water to drain back towards your basement walls.
  • Extend downspouts so that water flows away from your house and doesn't pool next to the basement walls or basement windows. If your downspouts are connected to your home's sewer system, disconnect them.
  • Clean debris from eavestroughs regularly. If they overflow even when clean, replace them with larger size eavestroughs and downspouts.
Proper drainage helps to...
  • reduce the amount of water flowing to your home's sewer system and to the main sewer system, and lessen the risk of sewer backup
  • reduce water seepage into your home through basement windows and cracks in your basement walls
  • keep the moisture content of the soil around and under your house stable to reduce the chances of cracking and shifting. If water pools next to your basement, it can make its way to the footings that support the basement walls. The increased moisture may cause the soil to swell and the footings to heave
  • extend the life of your sump pump by reducing the amount of work it has to do

Source :

Avoiding Basement Flooding

Basement flooding is unfortunately a common occurrence in many parts of Canada. But the good news is that many types of basement flooding may be avoided. This publication explains some of the practical steps you can take to avoid basement flooding.

How Serious Is Basement Flooding?
Basement flooding is now being recognized as a potentially serious problem. There are many negative consequences associated with basement flooding, above and beyond the inconvenient mess and disruption of household routine. Research cites the following impacts:
  • Chronically wet houses are linked to an increase in respiratory problems.
  • Frequent occurrences of basement flooding can result in long-term damage to the building and equipment that may not be covered by insurance.
  • Insurance rates may rise to compensate for repeated basement flooding claims, and/or the minimum deductible may be increased significantly.
  • Property value may depreciate because the basement is prone to frequent flooding.
Before appropriate measures can be taken, it is important to identify the causes of basement flooding. These range from problems originating in the individual dwelling to problems associated with the municipal sewer systems that serve entire communities.

Why Do Basements Flood?
Water can enter your basement for a number of reasons. Water in your basement is most likely to occur during periods of heavy rainfall, or when snow is melting rapidly during a spring thaw. In these cases, your basement can be wet because of:
  • a leak or crack in your home’s basement walls;
  • poor lot drainage;
  • failure of the weeping tiles (foundation drains); and
  • overflowing eavestroughs or leaking/plugged downspouts.
Basement flooding may also occur because of:
  • a blocked connection between your home and the main sewer in the street;
  • a back-up of wastewater in the sewer system (or a combination of wastewater and rainwater from the sanitary or combined sewer system); and
  • failure of a sump pump (in some areas) used to pump weeping tile water.
Basements are also vulnerable to natural river flooding disasters, but these cannot be addressed by individual homeowners.

Flooding Basics
Municipalities attempt to prevent flooding by maintaining the public sewer system. Homeowners with private sewage systems (septic tank and field bed) can appreciate the need for regular maintenance, but unforeseen or accidental problems can occur in any type of system. Here is some municipal infrastructure terminology you should know:

Sanitary Sewer
A sanitary sewer is a pipe buried beneath the street that is designed to transport wastewater from your home. This consists of water from sanitary fixtures (toilets, sinks, etc.) and floor drains inside your house, and in some areas includes groundwater from weeping tiles around the foundation of your home.

Storm Sewer
A storm sewer is a pipe buried beneath the street that is designed to carry storm-related water runoff. Storm sewers are normally much larger than sanitary sewers because they are designed to carry much larger amounts of flow.

Figure 1 — Types of sewer systems serving houses in Canada

Sewer Backup
Extra storm-related water (from sources other than wastewater and groundwater) should flow into the storm sewer or soak slowly into the ground without entering the sanitary sewer. If excess storm water does enter the sanitary sewer system, it can overload this kind of system.
When the sewers are overloaded, the water level in the system rises above normal design levels, and this condition is referred to as “surcharge.” Basement flooding can occur if the home has sanitary fixtures or floor drains below the surcharge level (Figure 2).

Figure 2 — Basement flooding due to combined sewer backup


Practical Measures to Avoid Basement Flooding

Basement flooding problems are best diagnosed by working your way down from the eavestroughs and downspouts, to the lot and foundation drainage, and then to the plumbing system — both inside your home and beyond its connection to the municipal sewer system.


Eavestroughs and Downspouts

Water pours out of your eavestroughs into downspouts. If the downspouts are dumping the water right beside your foundation, it drains directly to the weeping tile and can easily overload your home’s drainage. Make sure downspouts extend at least 1.8 m (6 ft.) from your basement wall. Also, be sure the water does not drain toward your neighbour’s basement walls. It should drain away from your house toward the street, rear yard, or back lane. If your downspouts are connected to your home’s sewer system, or weeping tile, disconnect them.
Clean debris from eavestroughs regularly. If they overflow even when clean, replace them with larger size eavestroughs and downspouts.


Lot Grading

If the land around your home slopes in toward the foundation, rainwater heads right for the weeping tile around the basement and can overload your foundation drainage system. The land around many homes settles over time, and then slopes in toward the foundation. If your lot slopes inward, you’ll want to fill in and grade the lot so that, for at least 1.8 m (6 ft.) out from around the foundation, the land slopes away from your house.
Build up the ground around your house so that water drains away from your basement walls. Also, examine sidewalks, patios, decks and driveways. These can settle over time and cause water to drain back towards your basement walls (Figure 3).

Figure 3 — Grading and planting
Extend downspouts so that water flows away from your house and does not collect next to the basement walls and windows.
Proper drainage helps to:
  • reduce the amount of water flowing to your home’s sewer system and to the main sewer system, and lessen the risk of sewer backup;
  • reduce water seepage into your home through basement windows and cracks in your basement walls;
  • keep the moisture content of the soil around and under your house stable to reduce the chances of cracking and shifting. If water collects next to your basement, it can make its way to the footings that support the basement walls. The increased moisture may cause the footings to heave or settle; and
  • extend the life of your sump pump by reducing the amount of work it has to do.
Be sure that any drainage improvements you make do not cause water to flow onto your neighbour’s property.

Floodproofing Devices
If your home drainage system or the neighbourhood’s drainage system overloads, you may still be able to prevent rain water and sewage from backing up into your basement by installing one or more floodproofing devices, such as sump pumps or back flow valves. Each installation is unique and some devices (back flow valves) may require a plumbing permit. Check with your municipal office or a qualified plumber before you proceed with any installation

Sump Pit Drainage System
A sump pit drainage system includes a sump pit, a sump pump and a discharge pipe. The sump pit, set into the basement floor, collects water from the weeping tiles around your basement. The pump pushes the water outside your house through the discharge pipe (Figure 4).

Figure 4 — Typical sump pump installation

Place your sump pump discharge pipe so that it:
  • drains somewhere onto your property where water can be absorbed, such as your lawn or flower bed; and
  • does not direct water onto neighbouring properties, lanes, sidewalks, or streets.

Sump Pit

  • Clean the pit each year after freeze-up. Weeping tile drainage may carry small amounts of soil, sand and debris into the pit from around your basement foundation.
  • Some water may remain in the pit and cause a musty smell if it sits for a long time. If so, you can flush the pit by adding fresh water until the pump removes the stale water.

Sump Pump

  • Check and test your pump each spring before the rainy season begins, and before you leave your house for a long time. Pour water into the pit to trigger the pump to operate.
  • Remove and thoroughly clean the pump at least once a year. Disconnect the pump from the power source before you handle or clean it.
  • Check the pit every so often to ensure it is free of debris. Most pumps have a screen that covers the water intake. You must keep this screen clean.

Sump Pump Discharge Pipe

  • Check the place where the discharge pipe leaves the house. If the pipe is discharging right against the basement wall, the water will drain down into the weeping tiles and continue to recycle through the system.
  • Check the discharge point regularly to make sure that nothing is blocking the flow.
  • If your pump runs frequently in the winter, and the resulting ice is causing hazardous conditions on the lawn and sidewalks, call your municipal office.

Backwater Valve
A backwater valve is a device that prevents sewage in an overloaded main sewer line from backing up into your basement. The valve automatically closes if sewage backs up from the main sewer (Figure 5). A properly installed backwater valve must be placed so that sewage backup will be stopped and not come out through other outlets in your basement, such as sinks, toilets, showers and laundry tubs.
  • Make sure that you can get at the valve at all times.
  • Check the valve regularly and remove any material that may prevent the valve from operating properly.
You will normally require a permit and inspection to install a back flow valve and sump pit. Since part of the basement floor will be dug up and since proper placement of these items is important, we recommend that you use a qualified plumbing contractor.

Figure 5 — Back flow valves and sump pumps are effective means of avoiding basement flooding


Additional Protection Measures

There are also several additional flood protection measures that may be considered.


Plumbing Fixture Maintenance

Have a qualified plumber inspect all floodproofing devices and plumbing fixtures (i.e. sump pumps, backwater valves, floor drains, etc.) regularly to ensure proper operation. Check the operating instructions for more detailed information and safety guidelines, or ask your plumber to explain the details of your system to you.


Backup Sump Pump

Severe storms are often accompanied by power blackouts. A battery powered backup sump pump may be a prudent investment. Most pumps are made to fit in beside the main sump pump and also have an audible alarm that warns the main pump has failed so that you can attend to its repair or replacement. There are also water powered backup sump pumps available that run by water flowing through the pump impeller.

Basement Finishes and Furnishings

In the event a risk of basement flooding is still possible, it is advisable to install impermeable floor and wall finishes, such as ceramic tile, to lessen damage and make cleanup easier. Make sure basement furniture has legs that keep the furniture fabrics above any accumulated flood water. Area rugs are a good alternative to full broadloom as these can be removed and properly cleaned in the event of flood damage.


Insurance — Just in Case

Insurance that fully covers basement flooding damage is an important means of financial protection to homeowners.
Most policies include or can include coverage for damage caused by sewer back-up. Make sure your policy includes sewer back-up insurance.
Check regularly with your insurance agent or broker to ensure you have appropriate and adequate insurance coverage, including any extensions in coverage that may be available, which were not previously attached.
Keep a detailed inventory of your residence. It will be invaluable in the event of loss.
Make sure your insurance policies and related records are in a safe location and easily available after an emergency or disaster event.



CMHC wishes to acknowledge the contributions of numerous Canadian municipalities to this publication. All of their public information bulletins were consulted during the development of this publication. Their assistance and cooperation are greatly appreciated.

Source :

Minggu, 06 November 2011

The Concept of Green Buildings

Green Buildings are Eco Friendly Structures
When the pre historic man constructed a hut for the first time using bamboo trees and coconut leaves to protect himself from sun and rain, he was starting to exploit nature for his humble needs. Apart from killing the trees he also disturbed the natural habital of the insects and birds in those trees and interfered in the cycles of nature. That was a beginning.
Now, it is beyond imagination, how much damage has been inflicted on earth by the construction of various types of buildings using sand and water from the rivers, stones from the mountains, cement manufactured from the ingredients dug from the land. In addition, carbon emission from the buildings and manufacture of construction materials warm up the air and space.
But, after getting conscious about the environment and after feeling the environmental responsibilities, the way our people try to address this problem is wonderful. One of the intelligent initiative is the concept of “Green Buildings”.
The concept of Green Buildings envision a new approach to save water, energy and material resources in the construction and maintenance of the buildings and can reduce or eliminate the adverse impact of buildings on the environment and occupants.

Concept of Green Buildings
A model plan of a Green Building
By preferring Green Building over a conventional building we help this planet earth and the people to retain nature to a maximum extent possible in three ways with reference to the location of the buildings.
1. Retain the external environment at the location of the building.
2. Improve internal environment for the occupants
3. Preserve the environment at places far away from the building

Green Buildings Retain the Environment at the location of the Building.
Suppose we propose a multistoried office complex to accommodate thousands of officers and staff, it requires a vast area. Therefore selection of a site for such a building complex should consider retention of local vegetation, wild life, natural water courses etc. Either a site with bio diversity should be avoided or the building should be planned to reduce site disturbance.

Concept cross section of a Green Building

Land :The landscaping and the exterior design in a green building shall be in such a way that there is more shaded area, the light trespass is eliminated and local species of plants are grown.
Water : The green building by its design and shape shall not disrupt the natural water flows, it should orient and stand just like a tree. Rain falling over the whole area of the complex shall be harvested in full either to replenish the ground water table in and around the building or to be utilized in the services of the building. The toilets shall be fitted with low flesh fixtures. The plumbing system should have separate lines for drinking and flushing. Grey water from kitchenette, bath and laundry shall be treated and reused for gardening or in cooling towers of air conditioning.
Energy: The solar energy at the top of a green building is harvested to supplement the conventional energy,. The natural light is harvested in the intermediate floors to minimize the usage of electricity. Sunlight is restricted by the high grown trees outside the lower floors of the building. High efficiency light fixtures make a pleasant lighting apart from saving the energy. High-efficiency windows and insulation in walls, ceilings, and floors are used for the benefit of better temperature control.

Green buildings improve internal environment for the occupants
Light: In a designed green building the occupants shall feel as if they are in outdoor location. The interior and exterior designs shall go hand in hand by blending the natural and artificial lighting and presenting transparent views wherever possible.
Air: In the air conditioned environment, a green building shall be specially equipped to ensure the Indoor Air Quality for a healthy atmosphere. Even the nasal feelings shall be pleasant free from the odour of paints and furnishings.
A comfortable atmosphere at work stations improve the attendance of the staff and increase the productivity.

Model elevation of another Green Building

Green buildings preserve the environment at places far away from the buildings.
We all know that a building is constructed using cement, sand, steel, stones, bricks, and a lot of finishing materials. These materials are quarried or procured from far way from the location of the buildings. Building materials are responsible for about 20 percent of the greenhouse gasses emitted by a building during its lifetime,.
Green buildings shall use the products that are non-toxic, reusable, renewable, and/or recyclable wherever possible. Locally manufactured products are prefered so that the collective material environment of the locality remains a constant and moreover the fuel for the transport of materials is saved.
As we see, our food and domestic products are tagged with green as a fashion of eco friendly practices, building materials are also going green. The futuristic green buildings are to use green materials which are in research stage now.
Green wood : A Stanford team has done a research for wood alternate. Hemp fibers and biodegradable plastic when pressed together and heated form layers and this material is as strong as wood. When buried in land fill, it degrades faster. This wood creates more raw materials when it breaks down. Microbes produce methane gas when they decompose this wood substitute and other debris thrown into landfills. Another type of bacteria absorbs this gas and turns it into plastic that can be used to create a new wooden plank. By this cycle, there is a continuous source of raw material for this wood. When this material at research comes to market, it may help to control deforestation and promote the rainfall.
Green Cement: Bruce Constantz at Calera, based in Los Gatos, has developed a green method to produce both cement and aggregate, another component of Concrete. Their method sequesters Carbon Di Oxide from power plant flues and mixes the gas with sea water to produce the mineral raw materials of concrete. For every ton of green cement Calera manufactures half a ton of fly ash from coal plants is used apart from preventing production and emission of Corbon Di Oxide.
Other Green Building materials: Renewable plant materials like bamboo (because bamboo grows quickly) and straw, lumber from forests ecology blocks, dimension stone.recycled stone, recycled metal are some of the other materials used in a Green Building.

The Buildings constructed based on the Green concepts should confirm to the prescribed standards. There should be continuous assessment and and monitoring from the planning/design stage upto the completion of construction, for declaring a building as a Green Building.
For this, LEED ( Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design ) Green Building Rating system is followed. In this system points are awarded for adopting Green concepts in various categories and the Buildings are certified Green at levels such as Silver, Gold or Platinam based on the total number of points they get in LEED Rating.

The CII-Sohrabji Godrej Green Business Centre (also known as CII or CIIGBC) earned a LEED® rating of 56 credits and became certified “LEED Platinum” in 2003;

Measurement / Audit for Green Concept in Buildings

Categories for Rating LEED points
Sustainable site 12
Water efficiency 8
Energy and atmosphere 17
Material and resources 13
Indoor Environment Quality 15
Design process and innovation 4
Employing LEED designer 1
Total points 70
Certification for Green Buildings
Level Points required
LEED Certified 26 to 32
Silver Level 33 to 38
Gold Level 40 to 52
Platinam Level 53 and above
There are only few Certified Green Buildings in India. But it is good to know that the awareness is gathering momentum and we look forward for a greener future.

Sumber : 

Lima Langkah "Green Building" Kuningan City

JAKARTA, - Pengembang superblok Kuningan City telah mengadopsi lima langkah terkait konsep green building pada bangunannya.
Menurut Zaldy Wihardja, Senior Marketing Manajer PT. Arah Sejahtera Abadi, member dari Agung Podomoro Group, ketika ditemui di kantor Marketing Kuningan City, Senin (31/1/2011), pihaknya memaksimalkan ruang hijau dengan lima langkah yakni:

1. Menempatkan bangunan mundur (set back) 10 - 20 meter dari luas tanah superblok, dan menseting 7 - 8 meter untuk samping kanan dan kiri untuk lokasi penghijauan dan pedestrian. Di lantai 10 tower Denpasar Residence dihijaukan sepanjang jogging track sampai ke lapangan tenis.
2. Konsep water recycle, dimana pihak pengembang tak lagi mengandalkan air tanah untuk semua aktivitas misalnya menyiram tanaman. Pemakaian air kotor didaur ulang untuk penyiraman tanaman dan AC, namun pasokan air bersih tetap memakai air PAM.
3. Pengadaan kolam resapan, pengembang Kuningan City membangun sumur resapan yang letaknya memanjang di sekeliling bangunan superblok. Kolam resapan ini merupakan ketentuan dari pemerintah yang harus dipenuhi para pengembang di dalam proyek bangunannya. Kolam resapan ini berupa gorong-gorong yang akan menampung air hujan. Ketika air sudah penuh, air akan dialirkan ke kolam resapan dan dialirkan kembali ke air tanah.
4. Pemakian kaca reflectic glass, pemakaian kaca ini untuk memaksimalkan pemakaian Air Conditioner (AC). Dengan kaca buatan dalam negeri yang mengadopi teknologi Jepang ini, akan menyerap cahaya matahari namun tidak dipantulkan kembali. Kaca menyerap panas yang bisa mengurangi penggunaan AC.
5. Kuningan City bekerja sama dengan PT. Trane dalam pemakaian Air Conditioner (AC) yang lebih hemat energi. AC ini tidak lagi menggunakan sistem sentral, namun sistem seperate meter. Dalam beberapa unit, akan dipasang 3- 4 mesin, sehingga lebih efisien dan hemat energi. (Natalia Ririh)

Sumber :

Saatnya Pengelola Gedung Beralih ke "Green Building"

JAKARTA, — Dengan diterbitkannya peraturan Gubernur Nomor 8 Tahun 2011 tentang Sertifikasi Bangunan Hijau atau green building menjadi momentum yang tepat bagi pengelola gedung untuk beralih ke konsep ini.
"Pengelola gedung harus cerdik mengatasi biaya operasional gedung dan manajemen gedung itu juga perlu mulai peduli bagaimana caranya mengelola gedung supaya lebih hemat," kata Irwan Sendjaja, Ketua Umum Asosiasi Manajemen Properti Indonesia (Ampri) kepada wartawan di Citywalk Function Hall, Jakarta, Kamis (17/2/2011).
Irwan mengatakan biaya operasional gedung yang semakin hari semakin mahal, dapat diatasi dengan menerapkan konsep green building. "Dari tahun ke tahun pengelola gedung menghadapi biaya operasional yang semakin naik. Biaya operasional naik akan mengakibatkan profit semakin mengecil. Dengan penerapan konsep green building akan menghemat biaya operasional gedung," ujarnya.
Dengan konsep green building, kata Irwan, tujuannya adalah penghematan energi dan terutama kepedulian terhadap lingkungan. "Misalnya untuk gedung yang sebagian disewa dan dijual, penyewa akan merasa diuntungkan dengan biaya operasional lebih murah untuk listrik. Pengelola bisa menghemat 20-30 persen per bulannya," paparnya.
Namun, diakui oleh Irwan, kendala belum banyaknya pengelola gedung beralih ke konsep green building karena investasi yang besar. "Ini terutama untuk gedung-gedung lama. Karena saat gedung sudah beroperasi biayanya sudah fixed, untuk investasi ke green building susah," ujarnya.
"Kalau untuk gedung baru dengan investasi 5-10 persen memang tidak signifikan, jadi relatif lebih mudah, tetapi tinggal kepedulian pengelolanya," kata Irwan. (Natalia Ririh)

Sumber :

Kamis, 03 November 2011

Memproteksi Gedung Dari Sergapan Bencana Banjir Bag. 2

Luapan air banjir memasuki ruang pertokoan

Apa yang terjadi seandainya  sebuah gedung ( pusat perkantoran, pusat bisnis, dealer kendaraan ), atau suatu bangunan pabrik atau rumah pribadi dengan banyak asset di dalamnya tergenang oleh luapan air banjir?  Apa yang dapat kita bayangkan seandainya hal tersebut memang benar-benar  terjadi?

Banjir adalah peristiwa yang sering terjadi, namun besar kecilnya luapan air banjir kadang tak dapat diduga.  Pada saat terjadi bencana banjir terkadang kita tidak memiliki cukup waktu untuk mengantisipasinya agar tidak memasuki ruang-ruang bangunan yang kita miliki.

Ruang Parkir Yang Terendam Banjir
Akibat Tergenang Luapan Air Banjir
Luapan air banjir yang memasuki ruang bangunan pusat bisnis atau perkantoran, hotel, bangunan pabrik, umumnya akan berakibat pada :
  1. Dapat memasuki ruang penyimpanan mesin, sehingga bisa merusak  mesin pompa, generator, chiller, dst. 
  2. Dapat merusak instalasi sistem kelistrikan dan benda-benda elektronik lainnya.
  3. Dapat merendam kendaraan yang berada di ruang parkir (basement)
  4. Merusak benda-benda dan peralatan vital lainnya  
  5. Terkadang pemilik atau pengelola gedung harus memberikan kompensasi atau membayar denda, kalau ada pihak-pihak lain yang merasa dirugikan. 

Kawasan perumahan elit Pantai Mutiara di Pluit, Penjaringan, Jakarta Utara, terendam banjir rob atau luapan air laut akibat pasang.  Ketinggian air bervariasi dari semata kaki orang dewasa hingga 1 meter.

Kerja Besar Pasca Banjir
Pekerjaan yang dilakukan setelah pasca banjir umumnya meliputi :
  1. Membersihkan semua lantai ruangan dari kotoran lumpur dan genangan air. Membereskan dan membersihkan bangunan akibat terendam air banjir adalah kerja besar dan sangat melelahkan.
  2. Kalau ada mesin atau peralatan yang terendam, sebaiknya dilakukan overhaul. 
  3. Mengganti atau memperbaiki benda-benda atau peralatan yang rusak
  4. Memeriksa kembali sistem instalasi dan peralatan listrik yang rusak. 
  5. dst,

Tim Kerja PT. Prima Springs Mfg
Sedang  melakukan Setting Floodgate
Konsep Sistem Memproteksi Gedung dari Banjir
Sebagaimana telah dibahas sebelumnya, bahwa cara untuk memproteksi gedung dari banjir, umumnya yaitu :

  1. Meninggikan struktur tanah fondasi  supaya lebih tinggi dari level air banjir yang biasa terjadi sepanjang tahun. 
Hal ini memungkinkan kalau untuk gedung yang baru mau dibangun, sehingga bisa direncanakan dari awal, dan ini juga berlaku apabila luas tanah yang akan dibangun cukup memadai. Apabila kriteria tersebut sudah cukup memadai, maka  pekerjaan selanjutnya adalah membuat perencanaan sistem buangan air dari gedung. Namun apabila opsi meninggikan struktur tanah fondasi  ini dirasa tidak mau dilaksanakan karena suatu faktor lain, maka bisa diatasi dengan sistem proteksi yang kedua, yaitu pemasangan Floodgate  yang cukup praktis.

2. Pemasangan Sistem Floodgate,  Ini cara yang lebih praktis dan mudah diterapkan. Solusi yang kedua ini, selanjutnya akan dibahas di bawah ini. 

Pemasangan Sistem Floodgate

Floodgate dapat didesain
menyatu sebagai pintu gerbang
Floodgate umumnya dipakai pada sistem bangunan sebagai berikut :
  1. Office & commercial building (Gedung pusat perkantoran dan bisnis)
  2. Factory Building & Warehouse (Banguan pabrik dan gudang), dealer kendaraan, dsb.
  3. Hotel & hospital building
  4. Residential Properties
  5. General & Public infrastructure
  6. Dsb.

Dimana dipasang ?
1. Floodgate dipasang di pintu gerbang utama masuk gedung ( gerbang masuk dan gerbang keluar ). Pemasangan digerbang utama ini dapat meng-cover semua sistem proteksi dari  luapan masuknya air banjir. Dan ini juga berlaku untuk memproteksi suatu kawasan pemukiman ( komplek perumahan ). Satu komplek kawasan perumahan dapat diproteksi hanya dari pintu gerbang utama dari komplek perumahan tersebut.

Konstruksi Floodgate & Sistem Rel   (Office Building)
2. Bisa juga dipasang pada pintu. Ini untuk bangunan yang tidak memiliki halaman parkir tersendiri, seperti pertokoan atau ruko.

Pemasangan Floodgate Pada Rumah Pribadi 
di Perumahan Elit  Pantai Mutiara  Pluit

Ruang Lingkup Sistem Proteksi Banjir
Sistem Proteksi  anti banjir pada gedung atau bangunan / kawasan pemukiman lainnya meliputi :
  1. Penggunaan sistem katup air searah pada saluran pembuangan air, sehingga pada saat banjir air tidak bisa masuk ke dalam sistem saluran dalam gedung
  2. Sebaiknya dibuat saluran air (parit) penampung air hujan berikut sistem pompa. 
  3. Pemasangan Sistem Floodgate pada pintu gerbang, yang dapat dibuka tutup dengan praktis dan cepat.